Student of Life

I am a professional student. When I call myself this, it isn’t to say that I am always taking classes at the local college racking up a ton of student loan debt. This is a state of mind that I carry with me. I never want to be so comfortable in my knowledge that I am no longer teachable. There is always something new to learn and we can learn something from every person that we encounter. We will never know everything in this life, and the things that once made sense to you in the past will change as YOU grow and change. We are all walking on a path having and creating different experiences, but to remain open, optimistic and eager on the journey is one of the biggest successes. The more I learn, the more that I realize that I still have a long, long, loooonnnng, way to go but I love every minute of it. Become a student of life, experience as many beautiful things that this world has to offer and share what you have learned.

~ Shari

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Say Yes!

We find ourselves in the habit of initially saying no to the things that we really want to do. Many times, this is out of fear. The fear of rejection, embarrassment, the fear being less than perfect to onlookers. We fear criticism. Learning to let go of the mental hang-ups that we carry within ourselves takes a conscious effort. What does perfect even mean!? Creating a life that excites us, requires us to do things that push us out of our comfort zone. Dreams die in the comfort zone. Sweat a little, get excited about the possibilities, challenge your old ways of thinking and say YES to doing something that scares you. This is your life, you have the power to change its direction but you have to make the choice to do so.

~ Shari

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